Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy SAHD: A Documentary About 21st Century Stay At Home Dads

Students Loved It
My students loved the video, as it coincided very well with a book that they were reading for the class. I also thought that it captured the research findings regarding stay-at-home dads really well.

At first I was very surprised to discover a documentary on the subject and quite eager to see it. Disappointment came in very fast though.

Quite naive and amateur misrepresentation of what could be an enriching social change, all be it due to malicious causes. The movie gives an impression of an outdated "reality-show" about a bunch of male babysitters, constrained to a single demographic of a suburban dads, with mostly toddlers sampled from just a hand-full of states. These guys are predominantly "accidental" fathers, forced to stay at home due to employment issues (unsurprisingly most laid off from government jobs). Stay at home dad by Choice is not even touched upon.

And what is this "support group" cliche? For recovering bread-winners and home-wife wannabes? Really, do these men have any self-esteem? Just because public education destroyed their imagination does not mean they are constrained by play-dates and going to playground every day. The whole depiction...

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