Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Romeo X Juliet: The Complete Tragedy S.A.V.E.

One of the Best Anime I've Ever Watched
I absolutely adore this show. I was interested in it once I heard there was an anime version of Romeo and Juliet, but be warned that the plot is extremely different from the original play. Frankly, I think the series could have held its own with different names for the characters and a different title. It was just that good.

Juliet was definitely my favorite thing about it. She's an extremely strong female lead, and I loved her. Yet I also loved Romeo. He's very gentle, kind and determined; almost her complete opposite. They balanced each other out very well really added to their chemistry. As a couple, they were completely natural and likable. I really loved them together- they brought me to tears many times.

I really adored the detailed plot. Without giving any spoilers, I thought that the pacing was amazing. The Montague's hunt for Juliet, the last Capulet, has created such a desperate situation in Neo Verona that I didn't think it could get any worse. It...

Romeo X Juliet = A Worthwhile Buy
As an anime fan, my favorite shows are Cowboy Bebop, Baccano!, and Trigun, among many others. Mainly, I like lots of great action and cool characters in my anime. So I was rather surprised when I fell in love with Romeo X Juliet. The first few episodes rank up there with the best episodes of any anime, anywhere. The animation, story, and dialogue are wonderful.

Unfortunately, the quality drops somewhat in later episodes. The animation isn't as lush, and the flowerly (but fun!) Shakespearean-style dialogue isn't as developed. And the story definitely takes a turn for the weird. Having said that, the series as a whole is still worthwhile, and what had potential to be an awesome A+ anime series merely turns out to be pretty darn good one, even with the later flaws.

I did purchase the S.A.V.E. edition of this title, which contains 4 discs in a clear plastic case with that ugly green S.A.V.E. banner on the side of the cover sheet. But fear not! The cover is...

5 stars...until the end
This was probably the best, and certainly one of the best, animes I have seen to date...all the way up until the end.

While it is nothing like the real Romeo & Juliet, this series is brilliant and fun all the same. The only similarities, in truth, between this and Shakespeare's work are the names...beyond that, this story of masked adventurers, daring capers, tyrannical princes and bloody coups resembles the original in no way. Which is not a criticism, merely an observation -- if you watch this expecting a true-to-the-play tale, you will be disappointed. Also, for Shakespeare aficionados, approach this with a sense of humor, or you may well be livid -- the flirty, flighty, silly, butt wagging, badgered momma's boy "Willy" Shakespeare who appears in this series is, without a doubt, hilarious...provided you can allow yourself to laugh at good-natured humor.

The main storyline is as follows: the current Prince murdered Juliet's family -- the ruling house of the...

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